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Fasting while Breastfeeding

Fatwa ID: DI01422


Assalamu Alaikum,

I am seeking a fatwa for my wife with regard to her obligation to fast. She has, historically, had trouble with fasting and is now nursing our 15 month old daughter. She has been fasting since the beginning of the month but noticed that her milk supply has drastically decreased. She also has realized clear irritability in our daughter likely due to the lower milk supply. Although she has managed to maintain her fast, she wants to know if she can break it for the sake of being able to nurse our daughter. Our daughter eats solid food but still relies heavily on breast milk.


Waʿalaykum al-Salām wa Raḥmat Allah wa Barakātu-h.

In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, The Merciful.


If the situation may be remedied by fasting on alternate days -or even every few days, then you should fast accordingly. You may also consider pumping post-ifṭār. Any days missed due to breastfeeding will me made up on a later date.