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Insulin, Glucagon, and GLP-1 Agonists during Fasting

Fatwa ID: DI01425


Assalamu alaikum

Can insulin and glucagon shots break the fast?

I am an endocrinologist and take care of patients with diabetes. Patients have to take insulin when sugars are very high. Insulin lowers sugars by moving glucose into cells for use and for storage (i.e., liver). Glucagon is the opposite of insulin, it releases glucose from liver. Both insulin and glucagon are mainly provided through the medium of shots but inhalations sprays are also available. Additionally, if a person takes long acting insulins they last for the whole day. The extension of this question is concering the permissibility of using GLP-1 a shots (Ozempic, Mounjaro, etc.) during  fasting. This is a totally different hormone that brings sugars down, curbs appetite, and aids in weight-control.



Waʿalaykum al-Salām wa Raḥmat Allah wa Barakātu-h.

In the Name of Allah, The Gracious, The Merciful.

Intravenous, intramuscular, intracardiac, intraosseous, intradermal, and subcutaneous injections do not break the fast. On the other hand, nasal sprays do break the fast.