Giving more than Niṣāb to a Single Zakat Recipient
I have a friend who is struggling financially. Am I correct in thinking that it is not recommended to give more than the nisab amount to any single recipient? So I would be giving just $478 to my friend if I go by the silver standard. I wish I could give more, since they are struggling.
Also, if several of my friends want to give zakat to this friend, and the total amount is much more than the nisab, would I have to collect all the zakat from my friends and give it at one time? Otherwise, if I give, then she will have the nisab amount and then other friends won’t be able to give to her.
Related to this question. my family gives thousands of dollars in zakat to my brother who does not earn much and doesn’t have any savings. Should we be giving only $478 to him also? That would not be enough to pay for his expenses.
Waʿalaykum al-Salām wa raḥmat Allāh wa Barakātuh.
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Darul Qasim’s Darul Ifta is of the opinion that it is better to take the gold nisāb in today’s time. As of today, May 2 28, 2024, it is $6471.34.
It is disliked (makrūh) to distribute zakat in such a large amount that the recipients themselves would reach the nisāb threshold, and thus become liable to pay zakat. However, if an individual receives $6471, but has outstanding debts, their possession of this amount does not automatically qualify them as having wealth equivalent to the nisāb.[i] If zakat is given to an individual and upon taking possession, their total wealth is equal to or more than the nisāb, they can no longer accept zakat.
Therefore, it is advisable to distribute zakat in amounts that do not elevate them to the nisāb threshold after accounting for any existing debts.
When distributing zakat to family members, it is important to remember that it cannot be given to one’s parents, grandparents, etc., as well as one’s children, grandchildren, etc.[ii]
[i] Ibn ʿĀbidīn, Radd al-Muḥtār, 2nd ed. (Egypt: Sharikat Maktabat wa Maṭbaʿat Muṣṭafā al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī, 1386/1966), 2:353.
(وكره إعطاء فقير نصابا) أو أكثر (إلا إذا كان) المدفوع إليه (مديونا أو) كان (صاحب عيال) بحيث (لو فرقه عليهم لا يخص كلا) أو لا يفضل بعد دينه (نصاب) فلا يكره فتح
[ii] Ibid., 2:346.
(ولا) إلى (من بينهما ولاد) ... (قوله: وإلى من بينهما ولاد) أي بينه وبين المدفوع إليه؛ لأن منافع الأملاك بينهم متصلة فلا يتحقق التمليك على الكمال هداية والولاد بالكسر مصدر ولدت المرأة ولادة وولادا مغرب أي أصله وإن علا كأبويه وأجداده وجداته من قبلهما وفرعه وإن سفل بفتح الفاء من باب طلب والضم خطأ؛ لأنه من السفالة وهي الخساسة مغرب كأولاد الأولاد